“It is difficult to find space among the many testimonials received by Rebecca Ganz from colleagues she has worked with in a variety of businesses as both a consultant and a non-executive director. She is not only one of the cleverest but also one of the most energetic, who fulfilled both these roles during the period we worked together at Premier Education Group. Financial experience and qualifications obtained while working with KPMG provide a strong analytical brain enhanced by wide experience of business, including a long spell in Australasia, which has given her practical know how on making things work and the quality of people necessary to make them work.”

Sir Robin Miller

Non-Executive Chair & Investor

“Becks is one of those people who makes me go Wow. She works at an amazing pace but still has time for the niceties we all need, she has integrity, drive and vision coupled with a great sense of humour and fun. I have worked with Becks for 3.5 years in her roles as an NHS NED and chair of an NHS facilities company. She has been fantastic to work with/for, I have learnt more from her than she realises and have been enthused and inspired by her commitment and drive. Thank you Becks.”

Esther Steel

Director of Corporate Governance, Blackpool Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

“Rebecca ( Becks) has been on our board [of Leodis Multi Academy Trust] for over 4 years. She volunteers her skills and her time like myself. Our Multi Academy Trust (MAT) is well off her patch. Over the Pennines and for those who know, that’s in a different country all together. Despite this Becks makes the trip every time.

Becks brings to a Non Executive board a sound accountancy and business background. She has super keen eye for detail (nothing gets past her and i mean nothing)! What impresses me the most is her desire to see the children whose education we govern be the best it can be. Becks has been a major driver in challenging the executive to achieve this.

If you need a Non Executive director with an eye for detail, a keen sense of civic leadership and a great sense of humour and very much a team player, look no further.”

Nick O'Donovan

Chair of Trustees, Leodis Multi Academy Trust

“ Becks and I worked together at iFM Bolton. What a fantastic Chair of the organisation, provided clear lines of governance, provide a good balance of challenge and support, was a measured critical friend in a highly regulated environment through a pandemic. Becks, naturally provides a positive coaching style, in providing guidance and input on areas of expertise such as strategic planning, financial performance, commercial opportunities and outcomes plus strategic risk and governance oversight. Becks is a strong consultative and empowering leader, in good and difficult times able to navigate nuances of political landscape. Keep in touch Becks, see you again soon!”

Phil Webster

Former Managing Director, iFM Bolton Ltd & Managing Director, INNOVATE21

 “Becks has made a huge contribution to the FT NED Diploma programme. Since graduating from this intensive programme, her Non-Exec career has absolutely blossomed – and rightly so. She has a real understanding of what a good Non-Executive can add to the boards they sit on and a passion to share that knowledge with others. She regularly appears on our experienced Director panels and always has something interesting, innovative and useful to say. Thanks Becks.”

Lesley Stephenson

Financial Times Board Director Programme, Owner Governance Publishing

 “Rebecca is quite simply, an outstanding individual to work with. She not only has the skills, knowledge and experience to guide, lead or support simple or complicated strategic planning, legal work and commercial transactions, she does it in a manner which is brilliantly simple to work with. We worked initially together on one project, but I have found her ability to support and guide invaluable – and we have already engaged her to continue working with us on more offshore and UK projects.”

David Batch

CEO and Owner, Premier Education Group plc – Award winning children’s education activity provider

Rebecca is a very experienced and skilled business adviser, providing valuable and thoughtful support to businesses at critical stages of their growth journeys. She cares deeply about making adifference to the companies she works with and my recommendation comes without any hesitation.”

Anne Dornan

Head of Innovation, Manchester Science Partnerships

Rebecca is a remarkable human. She has been a mentor to me for the last 6 months with particular focus on how to deal with the pressures of a scale-up business in a completely new field of technology. To say that I might be considered “difficult” and find most humans annoying is perhaps a slight understatement. Becks has a been a remarkable influence on how I view both myself in the commercial world but also how to deal with the commercial world. Her wise and thoughtful counsel with respect to the vagaries of governance and interaction with investors is second to none. Rebecca, also has a great sense of humour which I can assure you is needed when I am required to deal with another “village idiot.” Her skill, knowledge and interpersonal skills are extraordinary and if you want to end up being a better person, corporate or otherwise I can highly recommend her skills. Her depth of business knowledge is exceptional and is always conveyed in a measured, compassionate and focused manner. If you want to be better at your job and become a better human, use Rebecca to assist you.

Simon McMaster

Founder & Director, Footfalls & Heartbeats (UK) Ltd

“I have worked with Bex for over 12 months. She is commercial, results driven and delivery focused. Operating across multiple sectors, she is flexible, adaptable, creative and pragmatic. Strategically astute, she always operates within the big picture, future focused context but is not afraid or unwilling to get her hands dirty. She is approachable and personable and builds open and highly productive relationships at pace. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with her and would highly recommend her as both a Non Exec as well as entrepreneur adviser.”

Jane Lucas

HR Director and Executive Coach, Jane Lucas Executive Coaching

“I’ve worked with Rebecca in Australia, New Zealand and the UK in quite different business settings, which demonstrates one of her great strengths to adapt to the current need however always basing her work on the same strong strategic foundation and set of principles she promotes. She brings clarity and perspective with a healthy dose of pragmatism and is a delight to work with. Her blend of strategic discipline linked with an innate future focussed approach means she keeps the business agenda moving forward built on a rock solid foundation. Mix that with a great sense of humour and anyone who works with Rebecca will enjoy both the experience and the inevitable business success she will help bring.”

Helen Davies

Managing Director, Breakthrough Media Ltd

“Becks has worked with one of the Boards I Chair for about a year. In that time, she has provided practical and challenging strategic advice across a range of vital areas as the company progresses into its next ambitious growth phase. Recommendations received include – but are not limited to – improving corporate governance, building brand profile, business model diversification including internationalisation, automation & AI, cultural alignment of the Board and the business, not to forget talent and succession planning. On a personal level she has been great to work with and her contribution has been highly valued within our business.   For these reasons, I have no problem in recommending her. Thank you, Becks, for a job well done!”

Duncan Goodhew

Chairman, Non-Exec Director & Olympic Gold Medalist

“Rebecca is a top-level thinker who started with us as a consultant on international partnership discussions. We have since been very lucky to have her contract to us on a continuing basis as a consultant to our fitness management services department. I highly recommend her for any consultancy work, especially in the area of strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions.”

Phillip Mills

CEO, Winner, Ernst Young Entrepreneur of the Year, Les Mills International Ltd – Group Fitness

“I have the pleasure of working with Rebecca as my mentor and I can confidently say that she is an exceptional leader. Her ability to positively challenge and drive performance through honest discussions has been instrumental in helping me identify and drive towards realistic and achievable goals. She has a unique ability to align with my positive affirmations, spirituality, and understand my position. Rebecca is also easy to talk to and holds confidentiality in the highest regard, all while adding appropriate humour to the mix. I highly recommend Rebecca as a mentor and leader. Thanks Becks.”

Andy Heald MBA

Leadership Adviser, Sports and Wellbeing

“I had the pleasure of working with Becks in IFM Bolton, where she was Chair of our Board. Always available as a sounding board for some friendly advice, with her finance and business acumen Becks was a marvellous support me and provided effective challenge to help enable the substantial changes we needed to make to drive the business forward. I wish her luck in all her future ventures.”

Linda Martin

Managing Director, Integrated Facilities Management (iFM) Bolton Ltd

Rebecca is the Governance Guru! In support of our AO Status we entered into exploratory discussions with Rebecca. This enabled us to create a framework for Outstanding Governance. We operate in a heavily regulated environment where decision making via processes is critical to our success. Rebecca mentored us to prevent a strategic leadership that engages in tick box exercises. She collaborated to support our culture of excellence. Rebecca enlightened us with clarity on independence, conflicts of interest and has guided the development of internal control system. Our integrated performance, compliance and risk management systems are rigorous and robust as a result. Rebecca is a transparent and efficient governance expert. She is incredibly inclusive and adapts her approach to meet the unique needs of each individual and organisation. She provides clarification with care! Rebecca really is best in class! The consummate professional! 

Stacey Doherty

Director, Transcend Awards Ltd, OfQual Certified Awarding Organisation

“Rebecca has provided intelligent and sound business and financial advice, and been instrumental in the development and review of our strategic planning. Rebecca has incredible skills in assessing and processing business information – and turning that information into simple decisions. Don’t pass the opportunity to work with Rebecca, she’s a game changer.”

Andrew Gurr

CEO and Owner, Fusion Networks Ltd – specialist technology integrator

“Quite simply, Rebecca is brilliant. An insightful, diligent and thoughtful advisor who considers the complexity of the situation while broadening the perspective to wider contexts. She is a spirited and driving personal coach who brings her extensive experience in the commercial, business and governance worlds into the immediate and practical realm as shared knowledge. Rebecca’s professionalism and substantive levels of emotional intelligence coalesce into an powerful resource for people interested in making a positive difference in the world.”

Rhana Devenport

Director, Art Gallery of South Australia & previously, Director - Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand

“Rebecca’s valuable insights, acquired through her extensive experience, have not only challenged me but have also significantly influenced the trajectory of my career since our initial connection in 2014. Our exec coaching, whether through calls or meetings, have consistently yielded remarkable productivity, often resulting in concrete solutions or providing me with the necessary tools to achieve them.

Rebecca possesses a keen understanding of human nature and recognizes its pivotal role in the business world. She has demonstrated on multiple occasions that achieving success often requires applying just the right amount of pressure, skillfully and effectively. I foresee Rebecca continuing to be a trusted mentor and coach in my journey, and I am committed to seeking her guidance for as long as she is willing to offer it.”

Josephine Chang Holland

Chief Finance Officer & Chief Operating Officer, Fusion Networks Ltd

“Rebecca’s ethos of sharing learnings to help get more quality NEDS in the talent pool, her understanding of the need to tailor effective governance in organisations across different sectors / scale and her direct but very friendly approach made her one of the most engaging and relevant speakers I’ve had the pleasure of working with in Transpire – The Director Network’s Board CPD & Networking events. Her story of Kickstarting her NED career was truly inspirational and packed full of practical, actionable tips on how to get your NED career off the ground.”

Tony Stubbs

Leader of Transpire , The Director Network. NED/Board Director development. FT NED Diploma Tutor. Board Advisor/Trustee.

“Rebecca (Bex’s) worked with my business partner and I through a management buyout. Her financial business planning skills are outstanding and we still refer the scenarios she painted today almost 5 years on. She is also very sensitive to the soft side of business (partnerships & defining personal goals etc). I will be using her again, no doubt.”

Alastair Pope

Owner and CEO, Wine Direct – retailer

“Rebecca (‘Becks’) is extremely smart, fantastic to work with and adds enormous value. She has the ability to simplify the complex, to get to the heart of the problem quickly and to bring clarity framed upon strong commercial principles. Becks has assisted me in developing a strategic framework, and with ideas for Board of Director strategy sessions. I have known ‘Becks’ for a long time and can vouch for her professionalism, her integrity and easy personable manner. I am very happy to recommend Becks. You will not be disappointed!”

Evangelia Henderson

CEO of Charity, NZ Breast Cancer Foundation - charity

“I brought Rebecca in to advise on a buy-out and merger process. These deals are never simple, but having Rebecca advising was like having a rock at my side and a calm voice in my ear. Her understanding of the realities of business and what makes people tick, helped bring a speedy and successful resolution. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Rebecca. She is a wonderful mix of integrity, intelligence, passion and practicality.”

Chris Ivers

CEO of Charity, Chalis Ltd – advertising and marketing consultancy

“Rebecca and I have worked together over a period of twelve years – initially as colleagues in the KPMG Deal Advisory team, and subsequently over the last 12 years with Rebecca undertaking a variety of important contract work (both client and internal). Rebecca is an exemplary individual and I would summarise some of her strengths as (1) An outright achiever, (2) A lateral thinker (3) A good motivator and (4) A great communicator. Rebecca is a naturally outgoing personality and while she constantly introduces humour into the dealings, she can be equally assertive and is prepared to make and hold others accountable for their actions and contributions. As a general comment, Rebecca thrives on the more challenging and complex opportunities and her greatest attribute is her ability to always deliver, and in a professional and timely manner.”

Gary Ivory

Partner, KPMG Deal Advisory

“Rebecca is a direct, tough, focussed consultant who asks the hard questions, with a smile. She brings her business experience right to your desk and works with you to achieve great results. Whether it be strategy or operational issues she is great value for money.”

Mike Hogg

CEO, Ready Willing & Able - IT Recruitment

“Intuitive, detailed, commercially savvy, adaptive, challenging, so hard working, doesn’t suffer fools and absolute value for money…these are the attributes that best describe Rebecca. Within a space of 17 days of receiving my brief, Rebecca collaboratively developed a two-day planning session, learnt about the energy sector and our specifically our business, performed over 20 interviews with CEO, executive teams and senior leaders and delivered insight for which we could build from and left us with action plans and a ‘change’ process to support internal engagement across our company. Don’t get me wrong, the build up to the workshop was hard work and Rebecca left 6 experienced leaders exhausted after two fantastic days – Rebecca has the amazing knack to get the best from you. I’d definitely work with her again as she has a broad range of skills.”

Venasio-Lorenzo Crawley

Chief Customer Officer, Contact Energy Ltd, listed Gentailer

“I worked with Rebecca to bring together a future-focused exec level workshop designed to provoke new thought and action. Collaboration throughout the process was fantastic and Rebecca’s mix of pragmatism, commercialism and creativity helped get us to a great plan for the session. She pulled together a diverse range of stimulus and facilitators which worked seamlessly on the day. Really appreciate her insight, straight up nature and ability to keep it real as well.”

Scott Wright

Business Development Director, Lion – Listed Brewer

“Rebecca facilitated our Entrepreneur Organisation Strategy Summit last week. Her preparation, research, connection and execution through the day was excellent. Becks pushed us to our creative and intellectual capacity. We have come away enlightened, enthused and engaged, with clarity and commitment for the year ahead. Thanks Becks – you rock.”

Sue Duncan

As President of the Entrepreneurs Organisation, NZ

“We engaged Rebecca to identify weaknesses in our business and help develop a robust strategy for growth in a changing market. We were impressed with how quickly she developed an in depth understanding of our operation and her recommendations have been right on the money.”

Michael Law

CEO and Owner, Artiture and Finishworx - commercial and residential custom joinery


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